
About Us

This website was created and is maintained by Canada’s gun lobby, the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights, otherwise known as “The CCFR”. 


We launched an interactive and content-rich online quiz on GunDebate.ca. The quiz is designed to test and educate non-gun owners about firearm regulation and statistics that inform their opinions. The CCFR offered Amazon gift cards in a free draw for those who can pass both the Basic and Advanced quizzes. GunDebate has now been redesigned to be a repository of firearm related knowledge for those interested in learning about our topic.
Visit gundebate.ca

Federal Court Challenge

The CCFR launched the largest federal court challenge on behalf of gun owners in Canadian history. This suit includes claims supported by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Bill of Rights and the Constitution Act. The CCFR hired an entire team of constitutional litigators to ensure we have the best possible chance at success.
Visit propertyjustice.ca

Media Campaign

We leveraged our court case into a $200,000 media campaign to attract the interest of non-gun owning Canadians to our fight. This media campaign included a sponsored article, an infographic and an open letter published in 17 newspapers across the entire country. National Post, Financial Post, Vancouver Sun, Vancouver Province, Edmonton Journal, Calgary Herald, Saskatoon Star Phoenix, Regina Leader Post, Windsor Star, Ottawa Citizen, Montreal Gazette, Kingston Whig-Standard, London Free Press and Sun newspapers in Edmonton, Ottawa, Calgary, Winnipeg and Toronto. This is the largest physical newspaper ad campaign on behalf of gun owners in Canadian history and equated to 68 full-page ads.

2 Part TV Special on WildTV

We developed and financed two 1-hour TV specials – “Gun Ban Canada” for WildTV and online distribution to tell our side of the May 2020 gun ban story. over 100,000 people have watched these two shows online. Parts 1 & 2 are available for viewing on our YouTube channel.

1 Hour Special "Broken Trust"

We developed another 1-hour special, “Broken Trust” for Sportsman channel and online distribution. This special focuses on the CCFR’s court case and why it should matter to all Canadians.
WATCH "Broken Trust"

Townhall Meetings for Conservative Candidates

The CCFR posted townhall videos for all four Conservative Party candidates to help gun owners make an informed choice in the upcoming Conservative Party leadership election (2020).
Visit firearmrights.ca

Over 200 Media Interviews

The CCFR represented gun owners in over 200 mainstream media appearances since May 1, 2020, including CBC syndicated interviews nationwide. No one represents gun owners as reasonable, relatable people better than the CCFR.
Visit firearmrights.ca

Jim Shockey Videos

The CCFR worked with hunting legend Jim Shockey to create and distribute three videos to raise awareness and get hunters involved. These videos were seen over 500,000 times in just the first 10 days after release.
Visit firearmrights.ca

Canada Downrange Season 2

Starting June 23, 2020, the CCFR’s Canada Downrange Season 2 began running weekly on YouTube as a tool to be shared with all Canadians. This is an incredible resource to show non-gun owners what our community and culture really is, despite what the media wants to show them. It’s the first nationally broadcast television series on sport shooting in Canada, ever.

"Gun Canada - Exposed"

In partnership with WildTV, the CCFR produced a ground-breaking investigative documentary series called “Gun Ban Canada – Exposed”. This data driven docu-series exposes the fraudulent arguments of the Liberal Government and their supporters. These are incredible tools for gun owners and are available on our YouTube channel for free viewing.

$150,000 Bell Media Radio Ad

The CCFR launched a $150,000 Bell Media radio ad campaign on TSN Sports and CFRA Talk Radio. These advertisements were heard nation-wide on the I-Heart Radio network.

Integrity March 2020

The CCFR hosted the largest march (Sept 12, 2020) for firearm rights in 22 years – The CCFR’s Integrity March. 5000 Canadians marched on Ottawa to oppose the undemocratic gun ban, an incredible feat during a global pandemic.

Court Injunction

CCFR legal team filed an Injunction Motion Application in Federal Court to stay the May 1 Gun Ban. This motion application was heard on January 18, 2020.

Resource Tool for City and Town Councils Who Opposed Municipal Handgun Ban

Created and implemented a resource tool for city and town councils to use to introduce a motion to pre-emptively oppose a municipal handgun ban.

Supported Provincial Governments

Supported provincial governments in tabling and passing legislation to prevent municipalities within their jurisdictions from passing handgun bans.

Mass Casualty Commission Participant

The CCFR and our CEO Rod Giltaca were accepted as a “Participant with Standing” in the massive public inquiry into the Nova Scotia shooting. His submissions can be found on MASSCASUALTYCOMMISSION.CA
WATCH video

Billboard Campaign

The CCFR launched the largest billboard campaign for gun owners in history. Our message was seen on 66 billboards across the country over the course of 6 weeks with the simple, subtle messaging of "Can you handle the truth" and our website gundebate.ca. We redeveloped the website into a repository of information and data to help educate the public.

Election Project

Election project - with the 2021 election came some of our biggest projects, right on the heels of the billboard campaign. The CCFR invested $240,000 in radio and TV commercial ads that aired nationally for the 2 weeks before the election on Global, CTV, TSN, CP24 and during major sporting events like football games. In addition, the "Pamphlet Project" was a grassroots, boots to the ground, education campaign carried out in key vulnerable ridings across the GTA, in BC and NB. A 16 page, full color, glossy, fully referenced brochure was printed to the tune of 260,000 copies and distributed by hand to the mailboxes of undecided voters across the country. This campaign involved 100's of volunteers, dozens of firearm retailers and our very own Tracey Wilson on the road for 16 days.

Wild TV Show

The CCFR launched another national cable TV show, CCFR Radio - On the Air. CCFR OTA brings weekly updates and entertaining guests to the hunting and outdoors community though Wild TV. This show is now a bi-weekly update show that runs in perpetuity and is among the highest rated shows on WildTV’s network. There has never been a show like this on Canadian television before.
WATCH video

CCFR Radio Podcast

The CCFR has also produced the CCFR Radio Podcast bi-weekly for the past 4 years to keep gun owners informed. The online show has become the most popular firearm-related podcast in Canada. Check out a new episode every second Thursday here.

SECU Meetings Playlist

The CCFR captures and posts all meetings in Parliamentary Committees that impact gun owners. We make these available on our YouTube channel despite the government deleting access to many of these meetings. The CCFR keeps these records for all gun owners.

National Range Day

The CCFR launched the largest national public relations project in Canadian firearms advocacy history, National Range Day - a day to celebrate the 2.3M Licensed Canadians who safely own and use firearms. Clubs and supporters from coast to coast host open house or special events on the 1st Saturday in June every year going forward. Over 100 clubs hosted events in the very first year.
VISIT nationalrangeday.ca

2022 CPC Leadership Race Results

The CCFR’s Tracey Wilson attended the 2022 CPC Leadership Race results event, in person. We were the only gun group to welcome Mr. Poilievre into his new role in real time.

Handgun Freeze

After the Liberal’s “Handgun Freeze”, the CCFR commissioned an official legal opinion on the handgun import ban to test its legality. It was determined that questions of legality would be answered in the CCFR landmark case in CCFR vs Canada, with our hearing date at the end of April 2023.

CCFR Testifies to SECU

The CCFR’s Rod Giltaca appeared on behalf of gun owners as an expert witness to the Public Safety Committee (SECU) on November 3, 2022. The video can be found on our YouTube Channel.
WATCH Rod testifying to Committee

Parliament Hill Press Conferences

The CCFR’s Rod Giltaca & Tracey Wilson conducted two press conferences on Parliament Hill, one in Nov 2022 and December 2022. Videos can be found on our YouTube Channel.

Scrap C21 Project

In an effort to end or delay the Liberal’s Bill C-21, the CCFR has released our SCRAPC21 project, a massive effort to push back against the confiscation of over 50% of the legal firearms in Canada. See details at SCRAPC21.CA
Visit Scrapc21.ca

Injunction Application Filed

The CCFR filed an injunction application against the federal government to force them to renew the amnesty protecting gun owners from prosecution originating from the May 2020 gun ban. The expiry was October 31, 2023 and the government had done nothing. The CCFR filed it’s injunction application, and 4 days later the government voluntarily extended the amnesty to two more years. The CCFR is always there to hold the government to account.

CCFR Federal Court of Appeal

Undeterred by the Federal Government's win in court, the CCFR filed for an appeal with the Canadian Federal Court of Appeal. The CCFR was granted this application and was heard by the court in mid-December 2024. A decision is expected in March 2025. The CCFR's legal team is highly optimistic concerning our chances to disqualify all gun bans improperly executed by the Liberal Government using Orders in Council.

Live Tweets on Hearing

The CCFR’s Tracy Wilson compiled her own “man on the street” style transcript during our hearing by the Federal Court of Appeal. This allows anyone to read what happened during the hearings in a common language, summarized fashion.

Operation Pitchfork

In mid-December 2024, the CCFR announced Operation Pitchfork. This is the largest political project the organization has ever produced. It consists of a multi pronged approach to politically diminish the government's ability to ban firearms while promoting parties interested in respecting licensed gun owners. More news regarding the individual projects under the Operation Pitchfork umbrella will be forthcoming.

All of this has been accomplished on behalf of all gun owners in just the last four and a half years. The reason this was possible is because many Canadian gun owners support of the CCFR by becoming members and donating. Be part of the solution by supporting the CCFR. Click here.

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